Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Library - comments by Heath/Wood

"Why Diane?" But popularity does not replace performance or competence. In assuming the directorship overseeing the library, she has failed miserably. How could it be otherwise, she has no idea how a library functions. Weeks went by until a qualified volunteer, Chuck Giles, with a masters degree in library science was found. There is no doubt that the library suffered until that time, and continues to suffer still.

In the infamous Q&A, false and slanderous statements were printed about Larry Reeves as to why his offer was refused to raise money to pay Ann’s wages. In addition, there are other members willing to pay her salary from their pockets. When Ann was fired, she was so concerned about the continued successful operation of the library, she told the Board that she was willing to continue in her capacity as Head Librarian free of charge as a volunteer. This was declined by the Board. These two willing, experienced and competent people were turned away while Diane was reinventing the wheel.

The cross-training of new volunteers is not working as evidenced by incorrect Dewey Decimal numbers are found on the spines of at least three books picked from the New Book area, at random (we didn’t look at all of them in the New Book area). Diane's excuse that it was typo. No one had to the Library of Congress to research the numbers,( they were printed by the publishers on the page behind the title page); biographies (green dot) shelved with the hard-back fiction (orange or blue dot); non-fiction (white dot) shelved with the hard-back fiction (orange or blue dot), true crime non-fiction labelled as fiction; old books being recycled from the shelves and put in the New Book area; instead of new paperbacks going in the New Book area, they are shelved with the old ones; no one is proof-reading the data entry or someone is not transferring new entries into the library computer, and more.
Frankly, with Diane Miller as Director in charge of the Library, she is in way over her head. The library is a disaster in spite of fact that the senior volunteers are continually spending their time to correct what the untrained new volunteers have done.
Ann Heath, former LCS Head Librarian
Becky Wood, former senior LCS library volunteer

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