Thursday, December 11, 2008

Recall meeting results???


According to the results answered at the meeting, no one was recalled.
Diane and Nancy received more 'retain' than recall votes. The numbers for Rick Feldman are under debate.

I would suggest the webboard for more information, unless something breaks tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Agenda Item 3

The concensus of the steering committee is that we should support this section of the agenda - primarily to get the process moving. Why it requires a 2/3rds vote is unclear, but it will reduce the discussion to a reasonable length of time -- a half hour recess would already be called (jnless 1800 people appear for the meeting) to get a quorum. More discussion is probably not needed.

III. The President will then call for a motion to limit debate in the following manner. “There will be (3) three speakers for the recall and (3) three speakers against the recall. Each person recognized to speak will be given up to (3) three minutes to speak in alternating positions, beginning with a speaker in favor of the petitions and concluding with a speaker opposing the petitions. The (3) three persons being recalled will then be given (3) minutes each to speak on their own behalf.” THIS MOTION IS WITHOUT DEBATE AND REQIRES 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE.

Agenda - from LCS

The following is the agenda for the meeting(s) to occur Thursday at 10:00am - Registration to vote begins at 9:30.

Proposed Announcement of Agenda

Lake Chapala Society Recall Meeting

December 11, 2008

In the wake of unpopular but vitally necessary action to address serious financial shortfalls at LCS taken by your Board of Directors in October 2008, petitions were circulated to recall three Board members. All three petitions had the required number of signatures of members but failed to state complete reasons why the people should be recalled and did not state factual information arguable required by the LCS by-laws. Fairness also would seem to require specifics. Your Board unanimously voted nevertheless to go forward with a vote on the petitions in order to resolve the matter on the merits rather than reject the petitions as invalid.

Your Board is responsible for conducting the meeting to consider the petitions in accordance with LCS by-laws and Robert’s Rules of Order. A Board member met with the presenter of the petitions and two other supporters of the recall to discuss procedures for the meeting. No agreement was reached.

The Board proposed:

    • consolidating the three separate petitions into one for the purpose of discussion only,
    • limiting the speakers to three for the recall and three against the recall for three minutes each,
    • an opportunity for each of the three members named to speak for themselves for a limited time,
    • and then proceed to the vote.

The presenter’s position was:

    • all that needs to be said has been said in the articles in the newspapers and on web boards,
    • there was no need to say anything at the meeting because everyone has made up their mind on the matter,
    • if there was discussion or debate the meeting would get out of control and take too long,
    • therefore, there should be no debate or discussion just the vote.

Your board feels that in fairness to all there should be the opportunity at the meeting before the voting to hear speakers both for and against the recall and that the three members themselves should be able to address you. Hearing from speakers will also ensure that the minutes of the meeting reflect the reasons advanced for and against the petitions. Therefore your board will proceed as follows.

Members in good standing as of 2:00 PM December 10, 2008 wishing to vote must present their LCS membership card and one form of photo ID, and sign the attendance log. The sign in tables will be open at 9:30 AM. The number of votes needed to remove a member is based on the number of members present, not the number voting.

I. Call to Order at 10:00 AM. Two thirds of the total membership will not be present so the meeting must be recessed for 30 minutes in an attempt to reach a quorum. During this recess the voting procedure on the main motion will be explained by the head teller. After (30) thirty minutes the meeting will reconvene and with more than (50) fifty members in good standing present a quorum exists.

II. The President will call for a motion “that the three petitions of recall be combined into one petition for the discussion of, for recall or against recall, with the three named parties stated separately for the purpose of voting by secret ballot.” THIS MOTION IS WITHOUT DEBATE AND REQUIRES A MAJORITY VOTE.

If this motion does not pass then the meeting will proceed in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order and the petitions must be discussed or debated separately.

III. The President will then call for a motion to limit debate in the following manner. “There will be (3) three speakers for the recall and (3) three speakers against the recall. Each person recognized to speak will be given up to (3) three minutes to speak in alternating positions, beginning with a speaker in favor of the petitions and concluding with a speaker opposing the petitions. The (3) three persons being recalled will then be given (3) minutes each to speak on their own behalf.” THIS MOTION IS WITHOUT DEBATE AND REQIRES 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE.

If this motion does not pass then discussion or debate will proceed in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order until a motion is made to end discussion or debate and vote.

VI. If the motion to limit debate passes a motion will be presented, “that in compliance with the By-laws of the Lake Chapala Society, the following three officers be removed from office: President, Nancy Creeven; Senior Director # 2 Rick Feldman; Senior Director # 3 Diane Miller: said removal for the reason of conduct in office which is not responsible for the fiscal and general management of the LCS according to a reasonable standard.” Debate will take place in accordance with #III. above. Debate or discussion will not be a question and answer format.

V. At the close of discussion or debate, the voting will begin. The counting of the ballots will be conducted in the Sala by designated tellers. Two persons in favor of the recall and two persons opposed to the recall will be allowed as observers for the counting of ballots.

VI. The President will call for a motion to recess The Extraordinary Meeting while the ballots are counted and to allow for the conducting the Annual Meeting of LCS in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws.

Agenda for Annual Meeting of LCS December 11, 2008

  1. Call to order
  2. Reading of minutes, December, 2007
  3. Treasurer’s Report

    A. Auditor committee report

  1. President’s Report
  2. Adjourn

VII. Reconvene the Extraordinary Meeting to hear results of the voting.

VIII. The President will call for a motion to adjoin the Extraordinary Meeting. Meeting adjourned.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

December 9 Recall Rally

A gathering of approximately 200 attended a rally in support of the LCS recall. The event was held at the Vieja Posada. Several speakers spoke in support of the recall -- including Dean Burk, Becky Wood, Tee Falcon and Charlie Smith

The main room overflowed to the patio and the entry dining room.

The meeting was attended by several members of the current LCS board.

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Voting process

At this point (Tuesday evening), we have been told that the ballot will be to 'Retain' the challenged board members. If that holds, a 'NO' vote would be to recall the board member. Check back later for more information.

The registration will open at 9:30 - the extra-ordinary session will begin at 10:00 am - be there early to get qualified.

Comment by Charlie Smith

Feldman’s Behavior

Early in his term as the Senior Director for finance he tried to impose contracts on all employees. These contracts had employment start dates considerably more recent than their actual ones. The Mexican employees became extremely upset and the idea had to be cancelled but a residue of distrust among the Mexican employees still remains.

The Mexican employees did not receive their paychecks as they were accustomed on Fridays, on at least two occasions.Feldman’s response in a letter to the editor in the Guadalajara Reporter is that LCS complied with the letter of the law by paying on Saturday. He apparently does not care that only complying with the letter of the law may greatly inconvenience employees who cannot cash checks on Saturday .

In the same letter to the Editor he states that Jeanne Chaussee, a well-respected journalist, created “quoted statements” simply to build sensationalism. This is a terrible accusation against a journalist and as in many of his statements is untrue. He also states in the same letter that “LCS would no longer exist if drastic actions had not been taken” when in fact there was over one million pesos in total assets as of Oct. 31 2008.

He overlooked the serious cash flow problem early in 2008, and although admitting that the problem was noticed in April he and the Board did nothing until October, and then unilaterally and without consulting with or holding a vote of the members raised the dues significantly. The reason for not holding a membership meeting about the dues raise was that it would be like “herding cats.”

He accused Larry Reeves of having offered to pay the Librarian’s salary and then reneging on that offer. Larry has filed a libel suit against LCS for that allegation.

Stated as the reason for the abrupt and callous dismissals of the Treasurer, the office Manager and the Librarian that “People with access to cash and bank accounts knowing they will be leaving in two weeks to a month may decide they need money.” This insult to their integrity also resulted in libel actions being brought against LCS – A RECORD THREE PENDING AT ONE TIME.

There effectively was NO Membership Drive this year. Feldman as Director for Finance should have been jumping up and down and screaming over the need for an active Drive, yet nothing. Most years there are articles in the Ojo, Reporter and Review, signs on the LCS grounds, sign-up tables operating in early September, e-mails to members reminding them to renew –but this year, nada.

In the announcement of the dues increase and employee dismissal it was stated that cash in the bank went from over a million pesos two years ago to 350,000 today in an attempt to imply something fishy had gone on. He was forced to admit in the Questions and Answers on the LCS web site that “much of the difference was due to timing.” However, the genie was already out of the bottle and all kinds of rumors are floating around lakeside about missing cash, including on Web posting about “possible embezzlement.”

Rather than work on solving the financial problems, paying employees when they expect it or coming up with a financial plan for next year, he has spent his energy on generating mud-slinging blogs and letters to the editor.

Library - comments by Heath/Wood

"Why Diane?" But popularity does not replace performance or competence. In assuming the directorship overseeing the library, she has failed miserably. How could it be otherwise, she has no idea how a library functions. Weeks went by until a qualified volunteer, Chuck Giles, with a masters degree in library science was found. There is no doubt that the library suffered until that time, and continues to suffer still.

In the infamous Q&A, false and slanderous statements were printed about Larry Reeves as to why his offer was refused to raise money to pay Ann’s wages. In addition, there are other members willing to pay her salary from their pockets. When Ann was fired, she was so concerned about the continued successful operation of the library, she told the Board that she was willing to continue in her capacity as Head Librarian free of charge as a volunteer. This was declined by the Board. These two willing, experienced and competent people were turned away while Diane was reinventing the wheel.

The cross-training of new volunteers is not working as evidenced by incorrect Dewey Decimal numbers are found on the spines of at least three books picked from the New Book area, at random (we didn’t look at all of them in the New Book area). Diane's excuse that it was typo. No one had to the Library of Congress to research the numbers,( they were printed by the publishers on the page behind the title page); biographies (green dot) shelved with the hard-back fiction (orange or blue dot); non-fiction (white dot) shelved with the hard-back fiction (orange or blue dot), true crime non-fiction labelled as fiction; old books being recycled from the shelves and put in the New Book area; instead of new paperbacks going in the New Book area, they are shelved with the old ones; no one is proof-reading the data entry or someone is not transferring new entries into the library computer, and more.
Frankly, with Diane Miller as Director in charge of the Library, she is in way over her head. The library is a disaster in spite of fact that the senior volunteers are continually spending their time to correct what the untrained new volunteers have done.
Ann Heath, former LCS Head Librarian
Becky Wood, former senior LCS library volunteer

Monday, December 8, 2008

Recall voting requirements

Voting will take place at the LCS on Thursday December 11 at 10am.

You will have to register to vote. You MUST have
  • - your valid 2008 LCS card
  • and
  • -A photo ID

If you have fines outstanding (by 2pm Wed 10th) at the Library or Video Library, you will not be permitted to vote. Check the board in front of the library.

Rally in favor of the recall vote

Date: Tuesday December 9 at 4pm
Place: Old Posada - next to the Ajijic Pier

All members of the Lake Chapala Society are welcom to attend this open meeting.

Please come to the rally, hear the reasons why you should vote to recall the three board members - Bring your questons on the Recall.

Together only we, the membership,
-can keep the Lake Chapala Society
financially sound and well-managed;
-affordable to all;
-concerned with the needs of the employees, the members and the volunteers.

We the membership can develop plans for the growth of the Lake Chapala Society both now and in the future.

LCS Contact Info

Contact information for LCS

LCS Contact Info
Nancy Creevan President 766-5567
Rich Bailey Vice President 766-2686
Betty Schrader Assistant to the President 763-5004
Terry Vidal E Office Administrator 333-600-6653
Bertha YaƱez Marquez E Patio Manager 766-1140 (LCS)
Samual Kovac C Computer Services 765-4439
Ilsa Picazo Community Liason Team 766-2740
Ektor Carranza Cultural Director 766-1981
Tod Johson Directory Manager 766-1981
Susana Rodriguez Anguiano Attorney 766-4240
Jim Henley Technology Director
Assigned as Needed Managers of Major Fundraising Events
Assigned as Needed Architect
Open Director of Volunteers
Open Director for Plans & Programs
Open Director for Major Donations
Open Security Director
Ken Caldwell Senior Director #1 (Buildings & Grounds) 766-1653
Bill & Gillian Whitehead Directors of Grounds 766-2894
Venancio Reyes Guzman E Gardener/Handyman 766-1140 (LCS)
Mauricio Ramos Perez E Gardener/Handyman 766-1140 (LCS)
Urial Martinez Martinez E Gardener/Handyman 766-1140 (LCS)
Hilda "Adelina" Zamora Antolin E Maid 766-1140 (LCS)
Open Maintenance Supervisor
Rick Feldmann Senior Director #2 (Finance) 766-2606
Roger Borg Treasurer 766-4401
Silvina Martinez Ramos C Accountant 766-0242
Sherry Butler Audit Committee Director 766-3873
Shellie Checkoway Member Audit Committee 766-2847
Russell Kveton Member Audit Committee 765-4667
Tyler Marshall Member Audit Committee 765-7294
Mark Niederman Member Audit Committee 387-761-0175
Diane Miller Senior Director #3 (Activities & Services) 766-1999
Gil Silverman Medical Programs Coordinator 766-2113
Sue Griffin Director of Medical Affairs 766-0421
Jean Dresslar Talking Books Director 766-0652
Jon Pace Video Library Director 766-1513
Bob Miller Lectures Director 766-0558
Sandy Rodgers (Cross) Activities Driector 331-108-1008
Lizz Drummond Children's Art Program 766-5107
Ron Kannick Pancake Breakfast Lead 766-4633
Open Library Director
Mary Alice Sargent Wilkes Education Center Director (appointed) 766-0499
Coralie White Student Aid Director 766-0716
John Keeling Computer Classes Director 766-1801
Carol Bowman ESL Directors 765-7597
Ron Williams ESL Directors 765-6929
Diane Brisse Spanish Classes Coordinator 766-5909
Curly Lieberman Spanish Classes Coordinator 766-1132
Maria Huerta E WEC Manager 766-2940 (WEC)
Celia Lopez Marquez E Librarian 766-2940 (WEC)
Shelly Huerta Moncisvays E Gardener/Maid 766-2940 (WEC)
Ana Luz Mora Cardenas E Maid 766-2940 (WEC)
Mary Ann Waite Secretary 766-1436
Barbara Madren Information Desk Manager 765-5404
Joan Brummitt Bulletin Boards 766-0194
Ed Farnsworth Membersuip Director 766-3652
Lynn Bishop Recording Secretary 765-3264
Mary Ann Waite Election Committee Chair 766-1436
Sandy Feldmann Public Relations Director 766-2606
Anita Caldwell Newsletter Editor 766-1653
Kenee Kaye Campo Webmaster 766-4510
Lilia Gonzalez Assistant Mexican PR Director 766-2028

Officer of the Day Schedule
E = Paid Employee Mary Alice Sargent Monday
C = Contractor Diane Miller Tuesday
Mary Ann Waite Wednesday
Ken Caldwell Thursday
Rick Feldmann Friday
Rich Bailey Saturday