Monday, November 24, 2008

Issues regarding the recall

Basically the current Board threw away the budget from the last board which covered a fiscal year Sep 1 07 to Aug 31 08, as had been the norm for at least the last eight years. They never published their own budget which they boasted would cover jan 08 to dec 08, did not post financial summaries untill this November, and apparently did not recognize the financial problem until April 2008 even though membership dues revenue was down significantly by January..

They then did nothing until October and even then did not launch an aggressive membership campaign. If you take a look at the LCS web site, you will fiind a lot of their claims, many of which are spurious.

Our main claims are that they botched their financial responsibility, didn't communicate with either the volunteers or the membership, and were arrogant and insensitive in their dealings with employees, volunteers and members, They also refuse to ever admit they were wrong about anything and instead try to find someone to blame their mistakes on, no matter how much of a stretch.

Their behavior toward volunteers and employees has Ann Heath and Larry Reeves taking legal action against LCS.